Manila Doctors Hospital

Task Force SARS Screening Questionnaire Form


Patient Name: __________________ Age: ___ Sex: ___Occupation:_________

Address: ______________________            Tel No: ____________________

              ______________________               Cellphone No: ______________


Brought by: ____________________ Relation to Patient: __________________

Address: ______________________            Tel No: ____________________

              ______________________               Cellphone No: ______________


I.At ENTRY (OPD, Doctors Clinic, ER Entrance)

Do you have any of the following?  ____ YES  ____NO

                             ____ Fever                            ____ Shortness of Breath

                             ____ Cough or Colds            ____ Difficulty of Breathing

          If YES, to any of the above, proceed to No. 2. If NO, direct patient to ER.



2.1 Travel History

Did you travel OUTSIDE the country within 14 days from the onset of respiratory signs and symptoms? ____ YES  ____NO

IF yes, where?

                   ____ China                                      ____ Hanoi, Vietnam

                   ____ HongKong                    ____ Toronto, Canada

                   ____ Guangdong                            ____ Singapore

                   ____ Taiwan                                    ____ Others, specify


2.2 Exposure History

2.2.1 Have you had close contact with any household member with respiratory illness who traveled to the abovementioned places?  ____YES  ____NO

2.2.2 Have you have close contact with a friend or business partner with respiratory illness who traveled to the abovementioned places?  ____YES  ____NO

2.2.3 Have you taken cared of or have contact with respiratory secretions and body fluids of diagnosed case or suspect of SARS?  ____YES  ____NO



          ____ Suspect SARS

          ____ Probable SARS

          ____ Not SARS


2.4 Disposition

          ____ Discharge with advise

          ____ Transferred to ---- RITM ---- San Lazaro Hospital

          ____ Admitted at 11F


                                                Signature over printed name

                                                Triage Intern/ERO




          Person presenting after February 1, 2003 with fever > 38 C, respiratory symptoms and (+) travel history within14 days of onset of symptoms



          Having cared for, lived with or have direct contact with respiratory secretions and/or body fluids of a SARS suspect