Assessment of patients “SARS” status is based on answers to targeted questions. Patients are classified as follows:


4.1. Non-SARS


If patient HAS:


No History of travel

No history of Close contact or SARS exposure


BUT Has fever and respiratory signs and symptoms



4.2. Asymptomatic (No Symptoms of SARS)


If patient HAS:


History of travel to SARS affected areas

History of close contact with SARS cases


                        BUT NO signs and symptoms of SARS


      4.3. Undetermined (May or May Not Have SARS)


If patient HAS: 


History of travel to SARS affected area and close contact  with SARS cases within 14 days after arrival or close contact. With one sign /symptom only.

(+) Fever (>38°C) only

Respiratory  symptom only

Diarrhea only


            4.4. SARS Suspect


If patient HAS:


            History of travel including transit to SARS affected areas.

Close contact with SARS case

(+) fever 38°C and respiratory symptoms

Any other sign and symptom within 14 days after arrival or contact