Transport of SARS suspects/cases is the mandatory
responsibility of the health facility.
Self-conduction of the patient is not allowed.
Use a minimum number of EMT personnel in
transporting SARS patients.
Do not transport SARS patients with non-SARS
patients or passengers in the same vehicle.
Stabilize airway and hemodynamic status of a SARS
patient prior to transport.
Notify the receiving facility or hospital prior to
transport of SARS patients
If possible, a barrier should be placed between the
driver and the patient.
The SARS suspect or probable patient MUST WEAR a
SURGICAL MASK during the entire trip.
The driver and other EMT personnel must wear an N95
mask during the entire trip.
All the EMT must wear the proper PPE including
gloves, disposable gowns, and eye protection.
Hand hygiene with 70% alcohol or alcohol based hand
rub must be done as often as necessary.
Sufficient infection control supplies should be on
board in the vehicle.
Oxygen delivery with simple and non-rebreather
facemasks may be used for patient oxygen support during transport.
Disinfect the surfaces of the inside compartment of
the transport vehicle with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite after each use.
After transportation, the EMT team should provide
the following information to their medical director:
and route of transport
of patient transport
contact information, and specific duties of transport personnel
EMT services should designate individuals to
monitor closely personnel who have transported SARS patients for evidence of
fever or respiratory illness. If they
are part of the hospital staff, the designated hospital physician should
include EMT personnel who transport SARS patients among the exposed HCWs who
should be assessed at least twice daily for 14 days after transporting a SARS
Personnel who have transported SARS patient and
become symptomatic within the 14-day follow-up period should be directed to
seek medical evaluation and should be reported.