This guideline was formulated to guide and
assist health care providers working in Manila Doctors Hospital to recognize
and assess cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), apply appropriate
infection control precautions and make the right decision on disposition and
transfer of patients to SARS referral hospitals. This guideline was adapted
from the Interim Clinical Guidelines on SARS for Health Facilities in the
Philippines prepared by the Technical Working Group on SARS Clinical Guidelines
of Department of Health (DOH) which was reviewed by the World Health
Organization (WHO). Since much is not known about SARS. It is expected that
revisions will be made as new information evolve.
Only procedures and infection control
precautions to be followed by health care workers before patients enter the
Emergency Room, OPD, triage and holding area, and during transport to the SARS
referral hospital are included in this document. Guideline on diagnosis and
treatment of SARS is not included because it is the policy of the hospital NOT
to admit SARS cases.
For more comprehensive information refer to
updated DOH interim guidelines on SARS for health facilities in the Philippines